Nevelius Shihan in NYC
Nevelius Shihan in NYC
Dear One and All...
Given the success of last year’s Friendship Seminar in New York City, and the feedback you provided, we will do it again and are making small changes to the schedule.
This year the classes will include Friday night (6pm-8pm), two classes on Saturday 10-12, 2:30-4:30pm), and one on Sunday (10am-12noon). The Friday night class will be open-enrollment. The rest of the weekend classes are by “invitation-only”.
This is your personal invitation. Once again, I am delighted to offer you a spot for the full-weekend Friendship Seminar with Jan Nevelius Shihan (7th Dan) in New York City. This format allows Nevelius Shihan to go into greater depth with Aikidoka who are both at a high level and have been familiar with his teachings for years.
This seminar is popular and space limited. Once the mat is full, we will close the registration. Register and pay to reserve your spot today. Once you receive confirmation of your spot, I’ll send you more details.
There will also be classes on Wednesday and Thursday night, which you can attend for an additional cost. Use the drop-down menu to sign up for some or all of the options.
I look forward to seeing you and practicing together again this coming year!
Best to you and yours,
Charles Colten